Hawthorne's Title I

Hawthorne Elementary School is a Title I school with a high commitment to increase parent involvement. Studies show that increased parental involvement correlates to increased student success. 

Below are key documents that may be helpful in learning about our school as it relates to title 1. In addition, the following documents explains  Hawthornes plan to engage the community .

FY25 Title I, Part A - Right to Know Letter - ENGLISH (1).pdf

FY22 Family Engagement Compact Hawthorne (1).docx


FY25 Title I Right to Know Letter - SPANISH (1).pdf

Family Engagement Events_Hawthorne.pdf

Hawthorne SPP Snapshot 24- 25.docx

FY24_Schoolwide_Title_I_Fact_Sheet 8.22.23.docx

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